PassLeader released the NEWEST CompTIA CV0-002 exam dumps recently! Both CV0-002 VCE dumps and CV0-002 PDF dumps are available on PassLeader, either CV0-002 VCE dumps or CV0-002 PDF dumps have the NEWEST CV0-002 exam questions in it, they will help you passing CompTIA CV0-002 exam easily! You can download the valid CV0-002 dumps VCE and PDF from PassLeader here:Â (584 Q&As Dumps)
Also, previewing the NEWEST PassLeader CV0-002 dumps online for free on Google Drive:
A cloud administrator is required to implement an MFA solution using soft tokens. Which of the following should the administrator implement to meet this requirement? (Choose two.)
A.   System-generated call.
B.   RSA token.
C.   SMS.
D.   RFID.
E.   Biometrics.