PassLeader released the NEWEST CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002 exam dumps recently! Both CLO-002 VCE dumps and CLO-002 PDF dumps are available on PassLeader, either CLO-002 VCE dumps or CLO-002 PDF dumps have the NEWEST CLO-002 exam questions in it, they will help you passing CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002 exam easily! You can download the valid CLO-002 dumps VCE and PDF from PassLeader here: (521 Q&As Dumps)
Also, previewing the NEWEST PassLeader CLO-002 dumps online for free on Google Drive:
Due to local natural disaster concerns, a cloud customer is transferring all of its cold storage data to servers in a safer geographic region. Which of the following risk response techniques is the cloud customer employing?
A. Avoidance
B. Transference
C. Mitigation
D. Acceptance