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A penetration tester is unable to identify the Wi-Fi SSID on a client’s cell phone. Which of the following techniques would be most effective to troubleshoot this issue?
A. Sidecar scanning.
B. Channel scanning.
C. Stealth scanning.
D. Static analysis scanning.
Answer: B
Since SSID broadcast might be hidden, channel scanning allows the tester to identify active Wi-Fi networks. Identifies hidden SSIDs by monitoring probe requests and responses.
A company hires a penetration tester to test the security of its wireless networks. The main goal is to intercept and access sensitive data. Which of the following tools should the security professional use to best accomplish this task?
A. Metasploit
B. WiFi-Pumpkin
D. theHarvester
Answer: B
WiFi-Pumpkin is used for man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks on Wi-Fi networks, making it ideal for intercepting and accessing data.
A penetration tester gains access to the target network and observes a running SSH server. Which of the following techniques should the tester use to obtain the version of SSH running on the target server?
A. Network sniffing.
B. IP scanning.
C. Banner grabbing.
D. DNS enumeration.
Answer: C
Banner grabbing is used to extract version information from services, including SSH, FTP, and web servers.
During a testing engagement, a penetration tester compromises a host and locates data for exfiltration. Which of the following are the best options to move the data without triggering a data loss prevention tool? (Choose two.)
A. Move the data using a USB flash drive.
B. Compress and encrypt the data.
C. Rename the file name extensions.
D. Use FTP for exfiltration.
E. Encode the data as Base64.
F. Send the data to a commonly trusted service.
Answer: BE
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools monitor sensitive data and prevent unauthorized exfiltration. The two best options to bypass DLP are:
– Compression reduces file size, making detection harder. Encryption further protects the data by making it unreadable without a key. DLP tools often inspect content based on known patterns (e.g., credit card numbers, sensitive keywords). Encrypted files bypass content inspection since DLP cannot analyze encrypted data.
– Base64 encoding disguises data by converting it into ASCII text, making it less likely to trigger DLP signature-based detection. Many DLP systems do not analyze encoded text deeply, assuming it is non-sensitive.
A tester is finishing an engagement and needs to ensure that artifacts resulting from the test are safely handled. Which of the following is the best procedure for maintaining client data privacy?
A. Remove configuration changes and any tools deployed to compromised systems.
B. Securely destroy or remove all engagement-related data from testing systems.
C. Search through configuration files changed for sensitive credentials and remove them.
D. Shut down C2 and attacker infrastructure on premises and in the cloud.
Answer: B
At the end of a penetration test, handling sensitive data properly ensures compliance with legal, regulatory, and ethical guidelines. Securely destroy or remove all engagement-related data:
– Ensures confidentiality of test results.
– Prevents unauthorized access to client information.
– Methods include secure wiping tools (shred, sdelete), and encrypted storage deletion.
During an internal penetration test, a tester compromises a Windows OS-based endpoint and bypasses the defensive mechanisms. The tester also discovers that the endpoint is part of an Active Directory (AD) local domain. The tester’s main goal is to leverage credentials to authenticate into other systems within the Active Directory environment. Which of the following steps should the tester take to complete the goal?
A. Use Mimikatz to collect information about the accounts and try to authenticate in other systems.
B. Use Hashcat to crack a password for the local user on the compromised endpoint.
C. Use Evil-WinRM to access other systems in the network within the endpoint credentials.
D. Use Metasploit to create and execute a payload and try to upload the payload into other systems.
Answer: A
Since the tester has compromised a Windows machine and bypassed security, the best next step is to extract credentials from memory to move laterally within Active Directory. Mimikatz extracts hashed credentials, plaintext passwords, and Kerberos tickets from memory. Attackers use Pass-the-Hash (PtH) or Pass-the-Ticket (PtT) to authenticate on other systems without cracking passwords.
A penetration tester conducts reconnaissance for a client’s network and identifies the following system of interest:
$ nmap -A
Starting Nmap 7.80 (2023-01-14) on localhost ( at 2023-08-04 15:32:27
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.001s latency).
Not shown: 999 closed ports
Port State Service
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
23/tcp open telnet
80/tcp open http
135/tcp open msrpc
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
443/tcp open https
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
873/tcp open rsync
8080/tcp open http-proxy
8443/tcp open https-alt
9090/tcp open zeus-admin
10000/tcp open snet-sensor-mgmt
The tester notices numerous open ports on the system of interest. Which of the following best describes this system?
A. A honeypot.
B. A Windows endpoint.
C. A Linux server.
D. An already-compromised system.
Answer: A
A honeypot is a decoy system designed to attract attackers by exposing multiple services and vulnerabilities. Indicators of a honeypot: The system has an unusual combination of Windows (SMB, MSRPC) and Linux (Rsync, SSH) services. It exposes a large number of open ports, which is uncommon for a production server. Presence of “zeus-admin” (port 9090) suggests intentionally vulnerable services.
During a security assessment, a penetration tester captures plaintext login credentials on the communication between a user and an authentication system. The tester wants to use this information for further unauthorized access. Which of the following tools is the tester using?
A. Burp Suite
B. Wireshark
C. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)
D. Metasploit
Answer: B
Capturing plaintext credentials in network traffic is done using packet sniffing. Wireshark is the best tool for this task. Wireshark is a packet analysis tool that captures unencrypted network traffic, including plaintext credentials.
A company wants to perform a BAS (Breach and Attack Simulation) to measure the efficiency of the corporate security controls. Which of the following would most likely help the tester with simple command examples?
A. Infection Monkey
B. Exploit-DB
C. Atomic Red Team
D. Mimikatz
Answer: C
Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS) tools emulate real-world attacks to test security controls. Atomic Red Team is an open-source BAS framework that provides simple commands to simulate MITRE ATT&CK techniques. It allows controlled adversary simulations without real exploitation.
A penetration tester has been asked to conduct a blind web application test against a customer’s corporate website. Which of the following tools would be best suited to perform this assessment?
B. Nmap
C. Wfuzz
D. Trufflehog
Answer: A
A blind web application test means that the tester has no prior knowledge of the application’s internal workings. The best tool for automated scanning and vulnerability detection is a web application proxy such as OWASP ZAP. OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is a widely used web application scanner for finding common vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS, authentication flaws). It provides passive and active scanning features to test web applications for security weaknesses.
During an engagement, a penetration tester runs the following command against the host system:
host -t axfr
Which of the following techniques best describes what the tester is doing?
A. Zone transfer.
B. Host enumeration.
C. DNS poisoning.
D. DNS query.
Answer: A
A DNS zone transfer attack occurs when a misconfigured DNS server allows attackers to retrieve the entire DNS record set. Zone transfer: The command host -t axfr requests an AXFR (authoritative transfer) of the DNS records. This provides subdomains, email servers, and internal DNS records, which attackers can use for reconnaissance.
During an assessment, a penetration tester plans to gather metadata from various online files, including pictures. Which of the following standards outlines the formats for pictures, audio, and additional tags that facilitate this type of reconnaissance?
Answer: A
Metadata extraction allows attackers to collect sensitive information from digital files. EXIF metadata contains camera details, GPS coordinates, timestamps, and software versions used to edit the file. Attackers use tools like ExifTool to extract metadata for reconnaissance.
A penetration tester currently conducts phishing reconnaissance using various tools and accounts for multiple intelligence-gathering platforms. The tester wants to consolidate some of the tools and accounts into one solution to analyze the output from the intelligence-gathering tools. Which of the following is the best tool for the penetration tester to use?
A. Caldera
B. SpiderFoot
C. Maltego
Answer: C
Penetration testers use OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence) tools to collect and analyze reconnaissance data. Maltego is a powerful graph-based OSINT tool that integrates data from multiple sources (e.g., social media, DNS records, leaked credentials). It automates data correlation and helps visualize connections.
A penetration tester runs a network scan but has some issues accurately enumerating the vulnerabilities due to the following error:
OS identification failed
Which of the following is most likely causing this error?
A. The scan did not reach the target because of a firewall block rule.
B. The scanner database is out of date.
C. The scan is reporting a false positive.
D. The scan cannot gather one or more fingerprints from the target.
Answer: D
OS identification in tools like Nmap relies on fingerprinting techniques, which analyze response characteristics (e.g., TCP/IP stack behavior). If the system is configured to block ICMP responses, or if certain ports are closed, fingerprinting fails. Some modern firewalls and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) interfere with OS fingerprinting by modifying packet responses.
A penetration tester gains access to a Windows machine and wants to further enumerate users with native operating system credentials. Which of the following should the tester use?
A. route
B. nbtstat
C. net
D. whoami
Answer: C
Windows provides built-in utilities for user enumeration and privilege escalation. The net command is used to list users, groups, and shares on a Windows system:
net user
net localgroup administrators
net group “Domain Admins” /domain
Useful for gathering privilege escalation targets and understanding user permissions.
A penetration tester is conducting an assessment of a web application’s login page. The tester needs to determine whether there are any hidden form fields of interest. Which of the following is the most effective technique?
B. On-path attack.
C. SQL injection.
D. HTML scraping.
Answer: D
Hidden form fields in web applications can store user roles, session tokens, and security parameters that attackers may exploit. Involves analyzing HTML source code to find hidden fields like:
<input type=”hidden” name=”admin_access” value=”true”>
Attackers use tools like Burp Suite, ZAP, or browser developer tools (Ctrl+U or Inspect Element) to locate hidden fields.
A penetration tester is trying to get unauthorized access to a web application and executes the following command:
GET /foo/images/file?id=2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2fetc%2fpasswd
Which of the following web application attacks is the tester performing?
A. Insecure Direct Object Reference
B. Cross-Site Request Forgery
C. Directory Traversal
D. Local File Inclusion
Answer: C
The attacker is attempting to access restricted files by navigating directories beyond their intended scope. Directory Traversal:
The request uses encoded “../” sequences (%2e%2e%2f = ../) to move up directories and access /etc/passwd.
This is a classic directory traversal attack aimed at accessing system files.
A penetration tester has discovered sensitive files on a system. Assuming exfiltration of the files is part of the scope of the test, which of the following is most likely to evade DLP systems?
A. Encoding the data and pushing through DNS to the tester’s controlled server.
B. Padding the data and uploading the files through an external cloud storage service.
C. Obfuscating the data and pushing through FTP to the tester’s controlled server.
D. Hashing the data and emailing the files to the tester’s company inbox.
Answer: A
DLP (Data Loss Prevention) systems monitor and block sensitive data transfers over HTTP, FTP, Email, and removable devices. DNS is often overlooked by DLP systems because it is required for network functionality. Attackers use DNS tunneling (e.g., dnscat2, IODINE) to exfiltrate data inside DNS queries. Example method:
echo “Sensitive Data” | base64 | nslookup -q=TXT
Which of the following are valid reasons for including base, temporal, and environmental CVSS metrics in the findings section of a penetration testing report? (Choose two.)
A. Providing details on how to remediate vulnerabilities.
B. Helping to prioritize remediation based on threat context.
C. Including links to the proof-of-concept exploit itself.
D. Providing information on attack complexity and vector.
E. Prioritizing compliance information needed for an audit.
F. Adding risk levels to each asset.
Answer: BD
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) provides a standardized way to evaluate the severity of security vulnerabilities. It includes:
– Base Metrics: Inherent characteristics of a vulnerability (e.g., attack vector, complexity).
– Temporal Metrics: Factors that change over time (e.g., exploit availability).
– Environmental Metrics: Customization based on an organization’s environment.
A penetration tester is searching for vulnerabilities or misconfigurations on a container environment. Which of the following tools will the tester most likely use to achieve this objective?
A. Nikto
B. Trivy
C. Nessus
D. Nmap
Answer: B
Containers (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) require specialized scanning tools to detect vulnerabilities. Trivy is an open-source vulnerability scanner designed specifically for containers and Kubernetes environments. It scans container images, repositories, and running containers for known vulnerabilities (CVEs).
A penetration tester sets up a C2 (Command and Control) server to manage and control payloads deployed in the target network. Which of the following tools is the most suitable for establishing a robust and stealthy connection?
A. ProxyChains
B. Covenant
C. PsExec
D. sshuttle
Answer: B
C2 servers are used to remotely control compromised systems while avoiding detection. Covenant is an advanced C2 framework designed for stealthy post-exploitation in red team operations. Supports encrypted communication, privilege escalation, and evasion techniques.
A penetration tester identifies the following open ports during a network enumeration scan:
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
111/tcp open rpcbind
443/tcp open https
27017/tcp open mongodb
50123/tcp open ms-rpc
Which of the following commands did the tester use to get this output?
A. nmap -Pn -A
B. nmap -sV
C. nmap -Pn -w
D. nmap -sV -Pn -p-
Answer: D
To detect all open ports and enumerate services, the tester needs to:
Use -sV (Service Version Detection)
Use -Pn (Disables ICMP ping to bypass firewalls)
Use -p- (Scans all 65,535 TCP ports)
nmap -sV -Pn -p- This command performs full-port scanning, including high-numbered ports like 50123/tcp (ms-rpc). Without -p-, high ports would be missed.
A penetration tester successfully clones a source code repository and then runs the following command:
find . -type f -exec egrep -i “token|key|login” {} \;
Which of the following is the penetration tester conducting?
A. Data tokenization.
B. Secrets scanning.
C. Password spraying.
D. Source code analysis.
Answer: B
Penetration testers search for hardcoded credentials, API keys, and authentication tokens in source code repositories to identify secrets leakage. Secrets scanning: The find and egrep command scans all files recursively for sensitive keywords like “token,” “key,” and “login”. Attackers use tools like TruffleHog and GitLeaks to automate secret discovery.
A penetration tester has adversely affected a critical system during an engagement, which could have a material impact on the organization. Which of the following should the penetration tester do to address this issue?
A. Restore the configuration.
B. Perform a BIA.
C. Follow the escalation process.
D. Select the target.
Answer: C
If a penetration tester unintentionally disrupts a critical system, they must immediately follow the client’s escalation process to ensure proper handling. Follow the escalation process: The penetration testing engagement follows a predefined incident response and escalation plan. The tester documents the issue, informs stakeholders, and works with IT teams to minimize impact.
Which of the following techniques is the best way to avoid detection by Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools?
A. Encoding
B. Compression
C. Encryption
D. Obfuscation
Answer: C
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools monitor network traffic and files for sensitive information leaks. The most effective way to bypass DLP is to use encryption, since DLP systems cannot inspect encrypted content. Strong encryption prevents DLP tools from analyzing file contents.
A penetration tester needs to exploit a vulnerability in a wireless network that has weak encryption to perform traffic analysis and decrypt sensitive information. Which of the following techniques would best allow the penetration tester to have access to the sensitive information?
A. Bluejacking.
B. SSID spoofing.
C. Packet sniffing.
D. ARP poisoning.
Answer: C
If a wireless network uses weak encryption (e.g., WEP), attackers can capture and analyze packets to extract sensitive data. Packet sniffing: Tools like Wireshark, Aircrack-ng, and Kismet capture network packets. Attackers analyze captured traffic to decrypt WEP encryption or extract plaintext credentials.
Which of the following will reduce the possibility of introducing errors or bias in a penetration test report?
A. Secure distribution.
B. Peer review.
C. Use AI.
D. Goal reprioritization.
Answer: B
A peer review process ensures that a penetration test report is accurate, unbiased, and free from errors. Peer review: Senior security professionals verify findings, risk levels, and remediation recommendations. Reduces the risk of misinterpretation or incorrect data in reports.
A penetration tester is performing an assessment focused on attacking the authentication identity provider hosted within a cloud provider. During the reconnaissance phase, the tester finds that the system is using OpenID Connect with OAuth and has dynamic registration enabled. Which of the following attacks should the tester try first?
A. A password-spraying attack against the authentication system.
B. A brute-force attack against the authentication system.
C. A replay attack against the authentication flow in the system.
D. A mask attack against the authentication system.
Answer: C
OpenID Connect (OIDC) with OAuth allows applications to authenticate users using third-party identity providers (IdPs). If dynamic registration is enabled, attackers can abuse this feature to capture and replay authentication requests. Replay attack: Attackers capture legitimate authentication tokens and reuse them to impersonate users. OIDC uses JWTs (JSON Web Tokens), which may not expire quickly, making replay attacks highly effective.
A penetration tester aims to exploit a vulnerability in a wireless network that lacks proper encryption. The lack of proper encryption allows malicious content to infiltrate the network. Which of the following techniques would most likely achieve the goal?
A. Packet injection.
B. Bluejacking.
C. Beacon flooding.
D. Signal jamming.
Answer: A
If a wireless network lacks proper encryption, attackers can inject malicious packets into the traffic stream. Packet injection: Attackers forge and transmit fake packets to manipulate network behavior. Common in WEP/WPA attacks to force IV collisions or spoof DHCP responses.
A penetration tester is performing a network security assessment. The tester wants to intercept communication between two users and then view and potentially modify transmitted data. Which of the following types of on-path attacks would be best to allow the penetration tester to achieve this result?
A. DNS spoofing.
B. ARP poisoning.
C. VLAN hopping.
D. SYN flooding.
Answer: B
An on-path attack (previously known as MITM ?Man-in-the-Middle) allows an attacker to intercept and modify communication between two parties. ARP poisoning: Attackers send fake ARP replies to associate their MAC address with the IP address of a legitimate device (e.g., gateway). This forces traffic to flow through the attacker’s system, enabling packet capture and manipulation. Tools like Ettercap, Bettercap, and ARP spoofing scripts are commonly used.
An external legal firm is conducting a penetration test of a large corporation. Which of the following would be most appropriate for the legal firm to use in the subject line of a weekly email update?
A. Privileged & Confidential Status Update
B. Action Required Status Update
C. Important Weekly Status Update
D. Urgent Status Update
Answer: A
Penetration test results are sensitive information and must be handled confidentially. Privileged & Confidential Status Update: Helps ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards by labeling the report as confidential. Encourages secure handling by recipients.
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